Our Finance Committee is in charge of the financial aspect of the Clareglaway GAA Club.
The Club structure has three main committees, Adult Men, Juvenile, and Ladies. Each committee has its own finance officer who looks after the day to day finance issues and is automatically part of the finance committee. A formal Purchase Order approval process within the club ensures approved spending at all levels in the club.
The main income for the club comes from:
1. Pledge contribution process which allows a tax to be claimed back on qualifying contributions to the club. The club is an approved sporting body.
2. General membership on which we have added a development levy during the current development phase within the club
3. The locally organised disco where we work in co-operation with the Community Centre committee.
4. The club weekly Lotto draw which is run in conjunction with the Carnmore Hurling Club. Click Here to Play Now
5. Additional fundraising events organised by the various committees to support annual expenses and costs of special events.
6. Sponsorship – The club has a number of loyal sponsors who support the club on an ongoing basis.
The club wishes to thank all members for their support of the club and the support of the various fundraising activities that take place throughout the year. If you have any ideas for a fundraising venture, please contact any elected official.
The Club is registered as an Approved Sports Body with the Revenue Commissioner. Pledges from members who pay PAYE will allow the club to claim the tax associated with the donation. Self employed/assessed pledge members are themselves entitled to claim tax on pledge donation.
The minimum qualifying donation is €250/year.
Donations will assist the club towards it’s long term commitments in completing all works at Knockdoemore.
Please contact any of the club committee for more information.