
The club is governed and guided by a number of policy documents that may be found on GAA.ie.
However, in certain instances, the club has its’ own policies defined.

These policies may be referenced elsewhere on the site however this page will allow for a central and easily accessible repository for all policies associated with the club.
It is envisaged that more policies appear here as the need arises. This page will also be used to store any documents in relation to developments plans or documents the club feel should be available to all.

Juvenile Code Of Conduct

Claregalway GAA Safeguarding Statement

Claregalway GAA Anti Bullying Policy

Claregalway GAA Antibullying Statement

Claregalway GAA Complaints Procedure

Claregalway GAA Guidelines for Photographic and Recorded Images

GAA – Individual Privacy Rights

LGFA – Individual Privacy Rights


GAA – Code of Behaviour

GAA – Social Media Guidelines (Short)

GAA – Social Media Guidelines (Extensive)


Club History & Timeline

Locations & Facilities

Elected Officers & Committees

Coaching & Games Development

Player & Child Welfare

Club Policies

Events Calendar