Online Membership Open for 2022
Dear Member,
2021 was definitely an eventful year for the club. Unfortunately Covid played a big part in our activities from the start of the year, but the experience of the previous year, and the committment and dedication of all of our volunteers ensured we had far more games and trainging sessions than the year previous.
When allowed to resume action, our coaches and Covid officers did a great job in ensuring our training and matches were safe. We feel that all of our age groups had a significant season.
As you might appreciate, our ability to fundraise has again been severely impacted by the pandemic. Also, many of our sponsors have been negatively affected and as a result their ability to support the club has been reduced. This has left our membership subscriptions as the main source of revenue for the club. Our 2022 fees are now due and the club executive has set a target of registering all members by March 31 st. Please note that players are covered under the terms of the player injury fund after they are registered with the club.
This year, as with the previous two years we plan to distribute training tops to all of our Under 16 players later in the year.
If you have 2 or more kids playing, please consider our family membership package.
If you are currently a pledge member or paying by direct debit, you do not need to register on Clubforce this year, we will do that for you.
We have made easier payment options (over 5 monthly installments) available for our family membership package.
We would ask that you endeavor to pay via credit/debit card to reduce cash handling.
Everyone on the club executive is acutely aware of the financial challenges facing a lot of people currently. Claregalway GAA will not prevent any player from joining our club for financial reasons and will work with parents and members in difficulty in full confidence. Please contact for more information:
Club Registrar: Martin Kelly- 087-6555502
Club Chairman: John Morrin- 087-2510654
Club Secretary: Alan Moran – 086-6681556
Club Treasurer: Tony Stephens – 087-6538569
Our club, as many others in our area, provides a fantastic service to our members and the wider community. Club development works have continued in Knockdoemor in 2021 and works will continue into 2022. The Lakeview Astro project remains top of our ten year development plan.
While a portion of all of the works are grant aided, a significant amount of work goes into getting awarded these grants and the club needs to provide matching funds or a percentage of funds to draw down the grants available.
We thank you for your support of the club last year and ask that you help support and help promote the club as we grow and improve facilities for all into 2022.
If you have any queries on membership please let us know at
We look forward to an enjoyable and successful season in 2022.
We are Claregalway GAA, you are Claregalway GAA,
Claregalway GAA