Online Membership



Starting in 2019, Claregalway GAA are running an ‘early membership’ promotion.

All Juvenile members, boys and girls U16 & younger, will receive a free training top once their membership is completed before May 1st, 2019. The Ladies and Juvenile committees are responsible for the administration of the scheme within their clubs. It is intended that players will receive a Training Top voucher from Team Managers, once membership payment has been confirmed. The player can then collect their top from the Clubhouse on Saturday afternoon (girls) and Sunday morning (boys and girls) or at another pre-arranged time.

If you have already registered thank you. The club will be in contact in due course in relation to the above.

Thanks to Revive Active for entering this partnership with the club.

Sample of the top:


Membership of the club for 2019 is now open and we would ask that all prospective members submit their membership details and payments online as this reduces the significant workload in processing memberships for the club and increases the accuracy of the data held by the club in relation to memberships. 

The club will not be accepting paper based memberships this year.

We would also hope that this process makes things easier on members over time and ensures timely membership submissions by all involved.

-We have provided the option to pay both adult membership types and the family membership over two installments if you chose. This option is available on the payment screen at the end of the process.

-If you have two existing juveniles (€220) please consider opting for our Family Membership (€260) – which also includes entry into our lotto for a year and membership for up to two adults in the family.

-If you already have a direct debit for membership please register online and select the option to “Pay by Cash/Cheque” on the payment screen.  This option is available on the payment screen at the end of the process.

-All other special circumstances are accommodated in a similar manner, select  the option to “Pay by Cash/Cheque” and arrange payment with your normal contact in the club. This option is available on the payment screen at the end of the process.

-Otherwise we would ask that all members pay by Credit/Debit card.

 The funds from the membership process are used to support the operations of the club and facilitate the ongoing development of the various facilities the club requires.

You can read more about where your membership goes and register online using the link below by clicking on the link below:

Become A Member

N.B. The Policy of Claregalway GAA is that everyone will have the opportunity to play football regardless of means.  Anyone experiencing financial pressures that may exclude a child or themselves from participating should contact our Club Registrar or any Club Officer in the strictest confidence, to discuss the membership fee.

Club Registrar: Martin Kelly- 087-6555502
Club Chairman: John Morrin- 087-2510654
Club Secretary: Alan Moran – 086-6681556
Club Treasurer: Tony Stephens – 087-6538569

Thank you

Claregalway GAA

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