We’ve wrapped up club competitive activity and the majority of training over the past few weeks. 2021 has been another challenging year for many however we have to be thankful for what we have achieved and what we continue to aspire to.

This year saw a growth in membership yet again across all age grades and particularily in the ladies section of the club.
Almost 1000 juveniles trained and played with the club this year. Our youngest groups (Under 6 in boys and Under 8) in girls had 60 and 83 respectively and completed in excess of 24 training sessions, even in a year cut short by Covid. This was the same for all of our age groups up to Under 9s. Older groups trained twice a week and would have completed at least 48 training sessions, some groups  far more.
Graphic below shows the numbers training with each of the groups:

A large number of our teams won county titles or made it to the business end of the competitions they competed in.

Our players represented Galway at all age grades, up to an including Senior Ladies and Mens.

We are immensely proud of all that represent the club at all levels.

We couldnt do this without our coaches and volunteers who consistently deliver to our teams. This year, as with last, we would not have been able to operate without the assistance from our many Covid officers. Thanks to all who volunteer with the club – in any capacity.

A brief video with some memories from the year is available here:
It would be great if you could subscribe to our Youtube channel also.

Off the pitch, development continues in Knockdoemore. The erection of shelters and fencing has started and is set to continue next year. The arrival of Streat has ensured coffee, tea and other treats are available when training and matches are taking place. The Knockdoemore-Lackagh walkway was officially opened during the Summer providing a great resource for the entire community. Many more club developments are planned for next year.

Again, as with every year year we have had great assistance from a large amount of club sponsors. We couldn’t operate without their assistance. Please support them when you can!


Is muide Baile Chláir!


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