Club Notes Week Ending 23rd October 2022
Under 19:
Our Under 19A team are out against Dunmore McHales, provisionally scheduled for the weekend of the 5th of November. Further details to follow.
Most of our boys and girls groups have ceased activities after having a great 2022 season. Our players have had a fun year, developing skills, making new friends and most of all enjoying themselves. It’s not all about winning, learning and developing as well as fun are just as important.
Thanks to all of our coaches who have put so much time and effort into the development of all of our players this and every year.
Keep an eye on our fixtures and results page for further details and score updates at this address:
All support of our teams is greatly appreciated.
Online Lotto Draw:
The top prize next Monday is €6,400 with three lucky dips of €50 each also up for grabs.
Our lucky dip winners last week were Liam Egan, Louise Mannion, Marie Flaherty.
All of our lucky dip winners for October and November will be entered into our Christmas draw for an additional €500 + of prizes. This draw will take place on 5th of December.
Play online before 19:00 on the Monday of the draw at
or search for Claregalway Carnmore Lotto online to be in with a chance of winning the jackpot or a lucky dip!
3 lines in one draw for five euro or entry into multiple advance draws at reduced rates.
Full list of numbers and results for the past few weeks are available on the website.
Thanks for your support!
Club Shop:
The club shop is available 24/7/365 here:
Certain items such as umbrellas, coffee cups, light bags and hats will be available in Hughes Supervalu over the coming weeks as we approach Christmas.