Club Notes Week Ending 09th June 2024

Mens Fixtures and Results:

Our Seniors beat Mountbellew/Moylough over the weekend in Knockdoemore on a scoreline of 1:12 to 1:10, setting up a league Semi-Final against Tuam stars – details TBC.


Our Junior mens team played out a draw versus Salthill/Knocknacarra in the Prarie on Saturday in Division 4 of the league.

A late free from Mathew Collins in injury time secured the draw.


Our Junior C’s drew with Naomh Anna, Leitir Móir 1:10 apiece in Friday evening.


Please check our website and social media for upcoming fixtures and past results. Fixtures may change.



Maith sibh do fhoireann na mban a bhuaigh Craobh na hÉireann, Comórtas Péile na Gaeltachta 2024. Bhí siad uilig iontach ar fad.  Bíonn gach duine ó Baile Chláir an bródúil astú.


Well done to the ladies team who won the Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta 2024 over the bank holiday weekend!


They were all excellent. Everyone in Claregalway is very proud of you all!

Well done:

What a fantastic performance from the Galway Under 14 ladies over the weekend in the All-Ireland Final, helped in no small part by the Claregalway Girls on the Squad.


Well done to all the girls especially Katie Brogan, Roisin Conroy, Alannah Hughes  Kyilah Maloney, Katelyn Hynes, Ava Fahey & Kym McNulty, we are super proud of you all.


Thanks to all the supporters who travelled to support the Team and Eoin McEvoy who organised a supporters Bus courtesy of Paul Nash Travel for our Under 14 teams to go to cheer on their Claregalway Teammates.

Summer Camp:

Our football summer camp is set to run from Tuesday the 6th to Friday the 09th of August (Inclusive). It’s aimed at boys and girls aged between 6 and 13. Booking information and pricing will be released over the coming weeks.


Girls All Ireland Feile:

Our all Ireland Féile preparations are progressing well, gear is on order and transportation booked. The Feile takes place over the weekend of the 29th of June.

Unfortunately, all of this comes with a cost. Can you share the below link to our “idonate page” with your families, friends and business contacts. All donations are welcome no matter how small.

Our aim is to give the girls the best experience possible.

Thank you for your support and generosity.


Development update:

Seeding took place on Hughes pitch over a fortnight ago and green shoots are already appearing.


New fencing has been erected around Flynns pitch and the Q-Financial pitch. These greatly enhance the spectator experience.

A new scoreboard has been erected for Flynns pitch and one was installed for Monaghans and Q-Financial pitch last week. These scoreboards have been sponsored by Glynns Fruit and Veg and Flynns of Lackagh.


All of this work would not be possible without the support of our sponsors, local community and membership.



Online Lotto Draw:

We’re thrilled to announce that our online club lotto was won a fortnight ago by Mary Hanley

Marys four numbers 10,12,23,30 were the winning numbers from the draw and nets her a cool €15,000!!

Prize giving to take place over the coming week.


Our lucky dip winners last few weeks:

Lorraine Fahy

Kevin Shaughnessy

Val Baynes


Rita McHugh

Enda O Connell

Jessie Murray


Seamus Hurney

Marie Laffey

Paula Browne


Our Jackpot next week is €3,300

Play at or search for Claregalway Carnmore Lotto online.

If you are not in, you can’t win!


Thanks to all for your continued support – all results are available on our website.


Club Shop:

Umbrellas, coffee cups and bags are available in Hughes Supervalu

The O Neills club shop is available 24/7/365 here or on our website:





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