Games, Games, Games, this is what all the training and hard work is for.

From our Under 6 beginners, right through to seniors and beyond this is what it’s all about.
The enjoyment and reward of playing the game to the very best of our ability, is what drives us all and to facilitate this the club makes every effort to maximize game time for all our players

With bulging numbers in our juvenile section, most grades are now divided up on single year basis, this allows all our players to learn and compete at an appropriate level. Games based coaching is now the norm for most training sessions, with players learning and developing the skills in a natural and fun environment.

“Go Games” are implemented for children up to and including 11 years of age, these are small-sided fun games with the emphasis on participation and learning. The club runs and participates in several blitz’s at the different age levels to maximise player game time.

Thanks to the hard work of our Easter and Summer Camp committee, we’ve been holding week long football camps twice a year for all our players ages 6 -13. The camps have proven to be a huge success with all the children. Our supervised teenage coaches put in all the hard work to unsure the camp is fun and rewarding for all the players, with the increase in skill levels clearly visible for all to see after the camps.

From under 12 onwards our teams compete in the various county and city competitions. We enter multiple teams in these competitions in an effort to give as many players as possible the opportunity to play and learn at this level. The players love the step-up in intensity at this stage.
We’re working with the national schools to promote football locally, we have club coaches working directly in some of the schools, and plans to roll this out to even more in the future.
The club also has strong links with the GAA section of Coláiste Bhaile Chláir which has been hugely successful and a great addition to the locality

Our adult teams are going from strength to strength each year. With the continued growth of the club we’re fielding more teams than ever with success and rewards coming both on and off the field
The hard work, commitment and success of all our adult teams, is providing the inspiration and the drive to continue growing our club to ever bigger and better things.
